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Sorry Ezra Fitz, Rachel Berry, and Jughead Jones, youre among the most annoying TV characters of

In the vast world of television, we’ve had the pleasure of encountering some brilliantly written characters that captivate us with their depth and charm. However, if we were to compile a list of the greatest TV characters of all time, we’d find ourselves in an endless debate. So, let’s narrow our focus to those characters who test our patience, push our buttons, and leave us absolutely exasperated, reaching for the remote.

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Fortunately, Reddit played a role in providing us with a head start. A user posed a question, igniting a fiery discussion to reveal their most despised and infuriating characters on TV. Whether their downfall was a result of poor writing decisions or they were simply designed to be annoying from the start, there’s no denying their bothersome nature. So, without further ado, let’s delve into the world of television’s most irksome characters, as per the wise Reddit users.

Ezra Fitz

byu/OneHundredForcer from discussion

Unsurprisingly, one name that rose to the surface with a resounding agreement was none other than Pretty Little Liars‘ very own teacher, Ezra Fitz. In case it may have slipped your mind, this guy — a grown man of 23 — embarked on a romantic relationship with Aria, a 16-year-old student. On top of that, he was well aware of her age from the get-go. Of course, it only gets worse. Before Aria, he also had a thing with Alison, who was even younger than Aria, and stalked them both as well.

To add fuel to the fire, what grated users’ nerves was the show’s nauseating romanticization of his relationship with Aria. Suddenly, it seemed like everyone was hopping aboard the ‘Ezria’ ship, completely overlooking the age difference and ethical concerns of it all. As the icing on top of the cake, they ended up tying the knot. Honestly, it would have been a relief if the entire storyline had been tossed out the window.

Rachel Berry

byu/OneHundredForcer from discussion

Barely needing an introduction, Glee‘s Rachel Berry was an obvious pick among Reddit users. While some users argued that Will Schuester was definitely the most annoying character on the musical comedy show, Rachel’s argument held on strong. Although she was certainly written to be comedically annoying from the start, her character increasingly became more likable as time went on — until she wasn’t.

It became evident that Ryan Murphy had a peculiar penchant for showcasing Rachel’s triumphs while overlooking the deserving accomplishments of other characters (Kurt deserved to get into NYADA over her and I’ll die on this hill). As the seasons progressed, Rachel became insufferably more annoying, leaving us with the desire to hit the mute button whenever she took center stage. It’s safe to say that Rachel Berry’s character arc became an exercise of endurance, proving that even the most beloved characters can transform into overwhelming annoyances over time.

Debbie Gallagher

byu/OneHundredForcer from discussion

Shameless US‘ Debbie Gallagher is by far the most insufferable sibling in the vast Gallagher clan. The comments on Reddit were a brutal onslaught, and let’s face it, she did start off as a ray of hope on the show. A young activist with genuine concerns about her financial future, Debbie’s character had potential. But alas, as time wore on, that potential was squandered, and she transformed into an irredeemable teenager.

Debbie went from being a glimmer of hope to an expert in the art of self-victimization. Her once-endearing qualities were overshadowed by a mean-spiritedness that she aimed at her own siblings and even romantic partners. She became an unstoppable force of misdemeanors, driving even her own family to exasperation. And honestly, we can’t blame them for struggling to cope with Debbie— we can’t stand her too. As Frank Gallagher so aptly put it, Debbie truly inherited Monica’s worst traits — but hey, that’s the Gallagher way.

Jughead Jones

byu/OneHundredForcer from discussion

He’s weird. He’s a weirdo. Have you seen him without his stupid hat on? Well, that’s Judgehead Jones from Riverdale. Now, in a show bursting at the seams with insufferable characters, Jughead takes the crown for being the most annoying of them all. Was that the show’s intention from the start? We can’t say for sure, but one thing’s certain: we simply can’t tear our eyes away from his cringe-worthy scenes.

Jughead is the ultimate misfit. He doesn’t belong, and what’s more, he doesn’t even want to belong. And you know what? We’re right there with him. We don’t want him to fit in either. There’s just something about his character that grates on our nerves, and it’s not just the hat. It’s a combination of his demeanor, his quirks, and the way he carries himself that makes him the perfect recipe for irritation.

Dayanara Diaz

Who is the most annoying TV show character of all time?
byu/OneHundredForcer inpopculturechat

The very character that prompted the whole debate was none other than Daya from Orange is the New Black. From the get-go, her character certainly posed some contradictory fan reactions. Some loved her, some loved to hate her, but at the end of the day, she became more annoying by the second. From being a sweet character to trying to get her 12-year-old sister to sling drugs? Yeah, that’ll do it.

Simultaneously, as an avid fan of the show, I would argue that Piper was, without a doubt, the worst character of them all. As the protagonist, we were meant to join her on her journey. Yet, despite being deliberately written as an annoying white girl seeking trouble, Piper never once shed her irksome qualities no matter how hard she tried. This made her far more insufferable than Daya, although it’s fair to say they both had their fair share of good moments.

Carrie Bradshaw

byu/OneHundredForcer from discussion

Perhaps unsurprisingly, Sex and the City‘s Carrie Bradshaw is also one of the front runners in the most annoying characters race. Her consistent yet always baffling disdain for her friends as she lived her main character moment inside her own mind over and over again is a glaring testament to her self-absorption. What’s more, she’s the main character, and while we’d certainly enjoy seeing more of everyone else – especially Samantha – we’re just stuck with Carrie’s narcissistic tendencies throughout the entirety of the series.

Truth be told, there are several other characters that could easily join this assortment of terribly annoying characters, but these were the top picks for Reddit users, and we can’t help but join the chorus of agreement.
